Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Projeck Biofuel In Papua

Presented at seminar development of biofuel as alternative energy world . in 2 to 3 March 2011 in the auditorium of Higher Education at the Senayan Jakarta in Indonesia


Seminar participants that we are proud of, Representing Indigenous Peoples in Papua Permit us to say a few things in connection with the plan Projeck Biofuel in Indonesia and especially in Papua.

1. That we fully support efforts to raise public welfare, and environmental improvement efforts in idea Life by the Dutch Government and the Government of Indonesia.

2. That in general, experience proves, any government policy relating to investment and utilization of natural resources, particularly in Papua, there would be casualties in the preparation phase and implementation phase. Is the human victim will fall again in vain because of the cooperation?

3. That on stage Projeck implementation on the ground, causing many human casualties of innocent beings, the majority of investment development company does not compromise with customary land rights contained in indigenous communities, eventually conflict indigenous customary owners with business developers, end of conflict, indigenous peoples are victims and even some cultures in the seized land by force by the developer investment.

4. Sovereignty and power of indigenous people for Papuan land is still effectively done well until this moment, the land and the forest is managed under customary law which has come down through the generations in use as well. It is at once proved by many companies and businesses - small businesses that eventually closed, due to get a ban from the customary owners under customary ownership rights available to them. Although the developer has to have government licenses.

5. That efforts to repair the world's climate is the humanitarian work that needs to be supported by all elements of society, even we as indigenous peoples, Projeck Biofuels should be promoted as well in order to succeed according to plan proponent. Accordingly we propose the following points:
a) It should be carried on participatory mapping of indigenous lands, this is to get the lands that are suitable for the development of biofuel-producing plants, and to avoid conflicts of extreme enough land border today.
b) Encourage all Regents in the land of Papua, to immediately establish a policy that can connecting well with the public relationship between the development of customary land owners, of course, with the deal-agremeent profitable and satisfactory to each party.
c) There should be no central government policy to reduce the military, in securing this biofuels project.

thank's for your attention.

Sincerely I
Hendrik Palo
Coordinator : Indegenous People Alliance Archipilago
Papua Region ( IPAAPaR)

Address: Abepura-Sentani Street No. 116 Nendali Village District East Sentani in Jayapura of Papua Province. Email: palo_hendrik@yahoo.com Hp: 081344029525

Presented at seminar development of biofuel as alternative energy world . in 2 to 3 March 2011 in the auditorium of Higher Education at the Senayan Jakarta in Indonesia

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